sábado, febrero 16, 2008


I realized, guys, that some of you volunteers have been coming in here to have a look in my blogspace, so today this post belongs to all the volunteers in the Wildlife Rescue Center, and by the way, not only to those who are working here at the momment, also to those who´ve been here in the past and those who are planning to come here in the next few months.

All of us are FUCKING GREAT. The volunteer´s average age is about 25 years old, so that means that the youth is not just thinking about having a great car, the biggest house, the best job and all the crap that the media wants us to believe in and to fight for. Not everyone is in the world to play their silly competitive game. You clearly show there is a different youth who thinks that this bloody and crazy planet could be something better. A different world is possible. The power´s in our hands.
After my experience as volunteer here in the Wildlife Rescue Center in Thailand, I realized that It´s true. My mind has changed a little bit and now I trust in the next generations, so this is why I´m dedicating this stupid post to you volunteers, because you are just leaving the seed to grow up a better future.

My last working day in the center will be tomorrow, and I would be lying if I said that I don´t feel sad. Yes I do, and Budha sent me a gift. The sky is crying. Today It´s been raining "cats and dogs" and I´m having a wierd and crazy busy day, including House Volunteer duty with "pasta night" and also helping others who have just come to work in the center. It´s a never ending job and I´m absolutly knackerd. But anyway I´ve done my best, working as hard as my first day.
That´s what all of you volunteers taught me.
Once more time...WE ARE FUCKING GREAT!!
I will never forget you. I´m so proud to have met you.

- Bec (Australia), Willow (E.E.U.U), Megan (Australia), Anneke (Netherlands), Nadia (U.K), Steven (Belgium), Cristina (E.E.U.U), Catia (Portugal), Petra (Germany), Paulo (Portugal), Conner (E.E.U.U), Ronald (Netherlands), Suzanne (Netherlands), Tom s. (U.K), PAT (E.E.U.U, bloody messy better room mate Ever), Sonia (U.K), Natalie (U.K), John (Scotland), Denise (Scotland), Nora (Canada), Vanessa (U.K), Natasia (Netherland), Eleonora (Italy), Tasha (Australia), Lily (Australia), Nicole (Australia), Roisin (Ireland), Arjen (Netherlands), John (Australia), Laura (U.K), Maria (U.K), Emma (U.K), Tricia (U.K), Matt (Australia), Tara (Australia), Jennifer (France), Sean (Canada), Crystal (Canada), Ashley (U.K), Siobhan (U.K), Heloise (swizerland), Gena (Australia), Jane (U.K), Claude (Swizerland), Abby (Australia), Elly (U.K), Bex (U.K), Olivia (New Zealand), Gabi (New Zealand), Jo (U.K), Tommy (New Zealand), Bradley (Canada), Tany (Poland), Emily (Belgium), Sebastian (Belgium), Hanna (UK).

Special mention to SIMON (U.K) who came last year to stay as volunteer for 4 weeks, after the first one He was wondering "What the hell am I doing here?", and at the momment, almost 2 years later he is still at the centre organising all of us.

7 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Let´s change the world....
we are so proud of you aswell...
...one day...
Rebeca and Lia

Anónimo dijo...

Already missing you spaniard...


citizenerased dijo...

I make mine Rebeca's words.Take the return easy and see you maybe the next week in order to tell us everything you experienced there.The world wouldn't be the same without people like you who ,in an uninterested way,can do something useful with no expectation of receiving anything.Take care of yourself, mate.

Anónimo dijo...

Well done mate! I´ve read you, and i´ve seen you, and you look good, feliz y relajado! si es q estar tan cerca de los budhas...es lo q tiene. me alegro, has hecho algo por tí, algo por todos y para los q están por venir.
un beso muy grande, y enjoy la nueva experiencia q te espera de vuelta a casa. Uno grande tb para tus nenas.
un abrazo compañero

Anónimo dijo...

"it´s a magoa have to finish, but you have less time for the next"
Richard of Saints

citizenerased dijo...

Está claro que se puxo de moda o "Spanglish de Vueling"
See you pronto ...

FIZ dijo...